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Join date: May 22, 2023


Joseph Norris was born in 1999 in Reading, United Kingdom. Living with parents of different cultures, he was taught at a young age to speak English and Chinese. Joseph was offered a scholarship of excellence to study Politics, philosophy, and economics from the University of Sussex, from which he graduated in 2020. Afterward, Joseph decided to move to Barcelona, whereby he became a brand marketer and fashion model. Signed in twelve countries, he travels regularly to New York and Paris working for titles such as Louis Vuitton, Ralph Lauren, Gorgio Armani, and Vogue.

In his free time, Joseph enjoys animating, reading, making flash games, and watching movies and NFL (Go Bills). Additionally, he enjoys working out, playing chess, and hanging out with friends.

His main speciality areas are:

• Political science

• Philosophy and theology

• Economic development

Joseph Norris

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