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Join date: Jun 14, 2021


Arnon was born in 1900 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is currently majoring in Computer Science.

At the age of 21 he joined the Armed Forces and for 8 years served in the Army as a Temporary Lieutenant. During this period he was on the borders of Brazil with Colombia and Venezuela and also on the borders with Peru and Bolivia.

Upon termination of his contract, he opened and managed an AirSoft-based entertainment store. After 2 years at the store, he decided to close it in the 1st half of 2020 due to the pandemic.

Today, married and father of two boys, Arnon works as a front-end developer and web designer. He also does volunteer work here at Arcadia developing ever more pleasant environments related to user interface and experience.

You can reach him at:

Arnon R. De Paula

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