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Anna Canton Amela

Associate Researcher

Anna, born in Barcelona in 1994, is a distinguished professional with a strong academic and practical background in translation, interpretation, and international operations. She graduated in Translation and Interpretation from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2016, specializing in German and Japanese Studies. Her bachelor's thesis focused on translation in German TV advertisements, showcasing her analytical and linguistic skills early in her career.

Anna holds two Master's Degrees: one in Multimedia Translation from the Universidad de Cádiz (2018) and another in Multicultural and Multilingual Communication from the University of Luxembourg (2022). Her expertise in these areas is complemented by over seven years of experience in international travel, logistics, and insurance. As a professional in the operational field, she has demonstrated significant competence and dedication.

In addition to her operational role, Anna is a passionate writer. She published a sociolinguistics MA thesis on the promotion of the Catalan language on social media, which was featured in the Language Policy Documentation Center of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Her outstanding work in sociolinguistics earned her the Best New Talent award from the Catalan Sociolinguistics Society.

Anna's language proficiency is impressive; she is fluent in Catalan and Spanish (her native languages), as well as English, German, French, Japanese, and Romanian. She has enhanced her skills through multiple trainings in creative and journalistic writing, marketing and SEO translation, content creation, and website development.

Currently, Anna works as an international claims manager in the health insurance sector, a position she has held for over five years. In 2019, she moved to Germany to work in Luxembourg, furthering her international experience. Her current role focuses on client relations, provider and intermediary communications, and internal communications in multiple languages.

Outside her professional responsibilities, Anna actively contributes to a travel website, a Catalonian fanzine, and her personal blog. Her main goal is to integrate her operational expertise with her passion for writing, aiming to transition to a full-time writing career. She believes that writing is the best form of self-expression and a powerful tool to convey the complexities of the world around us.

Anna Canton Amela
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