Silviana Popa
HR Internal Communication Associate Manager
Born in Bucharest, Romania, Silviana Popa has a University degree in Management and Marketing, and a Master diploma in Managerial Communication and Human Resources.
With more than 20 years experience in communication, both internal and external, working in several departments and applying her theoretical but also the practical knowledge, she was covering topics from working on the companies web pages and external advertorials, to creating recruiting announcements, to managing weekly newsletter or organising internal and external events. Over the years she was working for a few years in the Public Sector, but most of her experience was gained in multinational private companies (mainly from Telecomm or IT&C sectors).
In the last 15 + years she had both EMEA and Global responsibilities in the Communication departments for a multinational company with customers and employees all over the world, covering different topics and time frames. Her main focus was internal audience, writing articles for the LOB's Blog, managing the newsletter, the internal web pages, the general email alias and being liaison between the sales representatives and the Product Management department.