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Stella Tevarotto


She was born in Trieste, Italy, in 1990.

When she was twenty, she moved to Paris, where she graduated in English and Italian art, culture and literature at the University Paris Ouest La Défense. She then proceeded to obtain a master’s degree in literary research with a focus on literary translation.
She recently studied editing, proofreading and layout at Lindau, an Italian publishing house based in Turin.

She has always worked as a freelance translator. Throughout the years, she translated theatre plays, essays, short stories and technical documents.
She has also worked as a computational linguist for a company specializing in NLP (Natural Language Processing), and ever since she has been interested in the field and the possibilities it unravels for our future.

In her spare time, she loves strolling around libraries to spend all her savings on books and independent literary magazines.

Her main areas of expertise are:

• Italian, French, British and American language, culture and literature
• Literary translation
• Gender studies
• Feminism

Stella Tevarotto
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