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Alessandra Caruso


Alessandra Caruso was born in a small town in southern Italy in 2001. Since high school she has been  fascinated by the myriad of factors influencing human choices and actions, from psychology to  sociology, eventually delving into political science. This intellectual journey led her to pursue her  academic career in a country different from her homeland and she earned her bachelor’s degree in  European Languages and Cultures, with a specialization in Politics & Society in the Netherlands.  During her undergraduate studies, she was selected for the Erasmus Program at Budapest University,  where she had the opportunity to engage with a diverse group of students and scholars deepening her passion for academic research and cultures.  

At the end of Alessandra’s postgraduate studies, she realized that conflicts and human rights are  intrinsically linked, with the fight for human rights often leading to conflict, and conflict invariably  affecting human safety and poverty. This revelation fuelled her passion to explore the nexus between  these factors further, leading her to pursue a Master’s in Crisis and Security Management with  specialization in War & Peace Studies. This program has deepened her understanding of international  Law, diplomacy, and the role of international actors in global politics. As Alessandra advanced  through her academic journey, she recognized that her professional path was not aligned with military  corporations or organizations that perpetuate conflict. Instead, she found that working for a company  that promotes people’s wellbeing is far more valuable and impactful.  

Her areas of expertise are: 

• International Relations and International Law 

• Conflict resolution and Peace  

• Cybersecurity 

• Humanitarian rights 

Alessandra Caruso
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