Social Cognition Series: The Self Provides Information to Guide Self-Regulation
The “Social Cognition” series serves as an exemplary model for our endeavor in the realm of social cognition within the field of experimental psychology. This series aspires to delve deeply into the cognitive mechanisms that underpin our perceptions and understanding of individuals in social contexts, encompassing the intricate dynamics of self-awareness. As we explore these mechanisms, we'll gain insights into how these cognitive processes can sometimes lead to stereotyping and, crucially, how to effectively prevent such biases from taking root. Just as the collection imparts invaluable knowledge and practical strategies, our journey through social cognition promises to unlock the transformative potential of knowledge and personal growth in the context of understanding and interacting with others. This series is divided into eight articles including: 1. The Self as a Mental Representation 2. The Self Provides Information to Guide Self-Regulation 3. The Self Has Varied Motivations for Self-Regulation 4. The Self Serves as a Reference Point: Attribution Processes 5. Attributional Biases 6. Affect Misattribution Procedure (AMP) 7. Heuristics & Shortcuts 8. Stereotyping: Cognition & Biases
Social Cognition Series: The Self Provides Information to Guide Self-Regulation
As we traverse the landscape of social cognition, the first article of the Social Cognition Series illuminated the intricacies of the self-concept. Within that exploration, we unveiled the self-concept as a dynamic entity, ceaselessly adjusting to various scenarios and molded by interpersonal ties through the relational self-concept. Within this dynamic, individuals' beliefs about their present and future attributes emerged as crucial benchmarks that steer goal-setting and behavior. Furthermore, we delved into the pivotal role of self-esteem, dissecting its influence on the intricate fabric of self-perception through both explicit and implicit self-evaluation.
The influence of cultural context on self-concepts unfolded as a crucial chapter, revealing the contrasting narratives of Western cultures, championing an independent self, and other cultures emphasizing an interdependent self, interwoven with social groups and their norms. This cultural backdrop laid the groundwork for understanding the intricate ways in which individuals navigate their identities within diverse cultural frameworks. Building upon these foundations, the second article in the Social Cognition Series embarks on an exploration of self-regulation, unraveling the complexities of how individuals exert control over their actions within the rich tapestry of diverse cultural landscapes.
In this journey of exploration of the Self, we delve into the concept of self-regulation, a cornerstone of human behavior that involves the meticulous control of actions. The adoption of either a promotion or prevention focus concerning personal goals emerges as a key influencer in this intricate process. Drawing connections to the dynamics of attention—whether directed inward towards the self or outward towards the environment—we explore how self-focus serves as a catalyst, aligning behavior with prevailing standards and cultural norms.
As we navigate the contours of self-regulation, a nuanced examination of the dual nature of self-regulatory behavior comes to the forefront. Distinguishing between consciously activated efforts and those that unfold automatically, we unravel the intricate mechanisms that govern how individuals navigate their goals and regulate their actions. This exploration provides invaluable insights into the delicate interplay between conscious intention and automatic processes, shaping the intricate dance of behavior.
This journey into self-regulation contributes not only to theoretical understanding but also holds practical implications for personal development and goal achievement. By understanding how the self serves as a compass, providing information to guide self-regulation, we empower individuals to navigate the complexities of their own behavior. This exploration lays the groundwork for comprehending the multifaceted nature of self-regulation and sets the stage for future discussions on the transformative potential of self-awareness and personal growth within the intricate dynamics of social cognition.
Sources of Influence on Self-Regulation
Across diverse cultures, the universal need for harmonious social interaction underscores the significance of self-regulation as a facilitator of cooperation and belonging (Hare, 2017). At its core, self-regulation encapsulates the intricate processes through which individuals exercise control over their actions, emotions, and thoughts, particularly in the pursuit and realization of goals. Notably, a substantial portion of self-regulation operates subconsciously, with environmental cues that are salient and pertinent to one's objectives exerting automatic influence on behavior (Lieberman et al., 2004). Concurrently, there are instances where conscious and deliberate interventions become imperative for steering one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors (Brandstätter & Frank, 2002).
The origins of self-regulatory activities can be traced to various sources, with the content of self-regulation being a primary determinant. The working self-concept, shaped by situational cues, social roles, values, and deeply ingrained self-conceptions, dictates which facets of the self take precedence in the regulation process (Verplanken & Holland, 2002). In a scholastic setting, contextual influences on behavior are likely to align with achievement-related objectives, yet personal goals play a crucial role in shaping conduct as well. For instance, the working self-concept is subject to dynamic shifts depending on the situation; speaking publicly in class and providing an incorrect answer might prompt an individual with low achievement goals to perceive the situation humorously. Conversely, for someone who places a high value on achievement goals, the same incident could elicit feelings of embarrassment and trigger intensified efforts to ensure accuracy in the future (Crocker & Knight, 2005).
The interplay between the working self-concept and the stable self-concept introduces another layer of complexity. Instances such as delivering an incorrect answer in class can lead to a temporary misalignment between the working self-concept and the enduring self-concept. Feeling momentarily foolish and embarrassed after such an event influences the working self-concept, but unless these occurrences become recurrent, their impact may remain short-lived and not significantly alter the enduring self-concept. However, in cases of regular repetition, the enduring self-concept undergoes transformation. For instance, if being a 'party person' is a key aspect of one's self-concept, the transition into parenthood is likely to prompt a shift in this self-concept, as late-night revelry loses its prominence. The working self-concept not only elucidates how different facets of the self guide social behavior in diverse circumstances but is also malleable, adapting in response to feedback from these situations and, in turn, shaping the enduring self-concept.
Behavioral Approach and Avoidance
Central to the dynamics of self-regulation are the fundamental decisions individuals make regarding which people and situations to approach and which to avoid. These decisions are steered by two semi-independent motivational systems: the appetitive system known as the Behavioral Activation System (BAS) and the aversive system termed the Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS). Activation of the BAS prompts individuals to approach people or engage in activities within their environment, a phenomenon associated with activation in the left frontal part of the brain. This alignment is consistent with the recognized role of left frontal activation in the pursuit of goals (Harmon-Jones, Lueck, Fearn, & Harmon-Jones, 2006). Conversely, activation of the BIS inclines individuals toward avoidance, steering them away from certain people or activities (Carver & White, 1994). The motivation for withdrawal or negative action aligns with the activation of the right frontal cortex of the brain (Harmon-Jones et al., 2006).
The interplay between the BAS and BIS is influenced by various factors that determine which system predominates at a given time. Daily experiences play a crucial role in activating these systems; a positive set of circumstances is more likely to activate the BAS, while adverse situations may trigger behavioral inhibition (BIS) as a means of regrouping (Gable, Reis, & Elliot, 2000).
Furthermore, individual differences contribute to the dominance of either the BAS or BIS, as illustrated in Figure 4. Some individuals possess a robust behavioral activation system, emphasizing a focus on rewards, while others exhibit a more pronounced behavioral inhibition system, emphasizing a sensitivity to punishments (Carver & White, 1994). Those inclined towards the BAS often encounter more positive events and experiences of positive affect, whereas individuals dominated by the BIS tend to contend with a higher frequency of negative affect (Updegraff et al., 2004). Understanding these motivational systems and their individual variations sheds light on the intricate dance between approach and avoidance behaviors in the realm of self-regulation.
Building upon the foundation of self-regulation and the interplay between the Behavioral Activation System (BAS) and Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS), Higgins (1987) delves into the intricate landscape of self-discrepancies and their profound influence on emotions and coping behaviors. This theory unveils how disparities between various facets of the self guide individuals toward either reward-driven pursuit or inhibition for fear of punishment.
Higgins distinguishes two crucial types of self-guides: the ideal self and the ought self. The ideal self represents who one aspires to be, while the ought self embodies societal and personal expectations, often shaped by beliefs about appropriate behavior (duties and obligations) and external expectations. This distinction aligns with the activation–inhibition framework, wherein the ideal self activates reward pursuit, and the ought self triggers inhibition to avoid punishment (Strauman, 1996).
In a pivotal study (Higgins, Klein, & Strauman, 1985), individuals were asked to report on their self-perceptions, capturing both their ideal and ought selves. Subsequently, they evaluated the same attributes from the perspectives of their mother, father, and closest friend. Discrepancies between the actual and ideal self resulted in dejection-related emotions and diminished self-esteem. For instance, failure to gain admission to graduate school induced feelings of disappointment and sadness. On the other hand, perceived discrepancies between one's actual self and others' expectations produced anxiety without the accompanying sadness Figure 5. The intensity of these emotions was directly linked to the importance of the attribute to the individual, highlighting the role of self-focus in emotional experiences (Higgins, 1987; Higgins et al., 1997; Phillips & Silvia, 2005).
The activation of the ideal self motivates individuals to strive for their envisioned standards, embodying a promotion focus in the pursuit of behavioral activation. Conversely, efforts to meet external expectations align with an inhibitory or prevention focus, often fueled by anxiety (Förster, Higgins, & Idson, 1998). The distinction between approach (promotion) and avoidance (prevention) reflects stable personality traits, with extraversion epitomizing approach and neuroticism representing avoidance (Carver, Sutton, & Scheier, 2000).
Building upon this understanding, a critical element in well-being hinges on the regulatory fit between individuals' goals and their regulatory focus (Higgins, 2005). Those motivated by the pursuit of their ideal selves experience well-being when progressing towards these standards, while individuals driven by the desire to avoid negative outcomes and meet societal expectations find well-being in upholding these social norms (Higgins et al., 2003).
The influence of socialization and culture on self-regulation becomes evident in the predominant regulatory foci. Families emphasizing external opinions and criticism contribute to a prevention focus, aligning with the inhibition of undesirable outcomes. In contrast, families nurturing the development of the ideal self foster a promotion focus, particularly in a supportive environment. Cultural differences further shape the regulatory orientation, with individuals raised in independent cultures motivated by promotion focus and those in interdependent cultures attuned to the concerns of others (Lee, Aaker, & Gardner, 2000).
Neurological activations distinguish between promotion and prevention orientations, with a promotion focus associated with greater left frontal activity and a prevention focus linked to increased right frontal activity. These brain activations align with the approach of desired outcomes in promotion-focused goals and the avoidance of undesired outcomes in prevention-focused goals (Amodio et al., 2004). This neural differentiation is further supported by the examination of brain regions involved in reflective processes associated with each focus. Delving into hopes and aspirations activates the medial prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex, core areas linked to promotion-focused thinking. Conversely, contemplating duties and obligations engages the posterior cingulate cortex and precuneus, emphasizing the neural substrates involved in prevention-focused contemplation (Johnson et al., 2006). This intricate dance between self-discrepancy theory and the earlier chapters elucidates the multifaceted nature of self-regulation, underscoring the dynamic interrelationships between cognition, emotion, and behavior.
Self-Efficacy and Personal Control
Expanding the canvas of self-regulation, other influential factors include self-efficacy and the sense of personal control, which intricately interweave with the previously explored concepts. Self-efficacy beliefs, as posited by Bandura (2006), encapsulate our expectations regarding our capabilities to achieve specific tasks. The decision to embark on an activity or pursue a particular goal hinges on the individual's conviction in their ability to execute these actions. For instance, consider the scenario of being offered a prestigious teaching position in the Netherlands with the caveat that proficiency in lecturing in Dutch within three years is imperative. The desire to accept such a position may be overshadowed by a low sense of self-efficacy for learning Dutch, potentially leading to a decision to decline the opportunity.
In conjunction with these task-specific self-efficacy beliefs, individuals also harbor a more generalized sense of personal control or mastery. This overarching perception empowers individuals to plan, navigate setbacks, and engage in self-regulatory activities. Those possessing a robust sense of control are inclined to undertake activities aligned with their goals, while those with a diminished sense of personal mastery may exhibit reluctance in doing so. A study conducted by L. B. Pham, Taylor, and Seeman (2001) illuminates this distinction. College students, categorized as either high or low in their sense of mastery, were subjected to a manipulation that accentuated the unpredictable or predictable facets of college life, or neutral features. Those in the unpredictable condition were reminded of challenges in securing preferred classes, while those in the predictable condition were prompted to recall the routine nature of exam schedules and paper due dates. Subsequent assessments of the students' thoughts and feelings about college, coupled with physiological measures like heart rate and blood pressure, revealed noteworthy differences. Students exposed to the predictable college manipulation demonstrated a more future-oriented and goal-centric thought pattern, accompanied by lower blood pressure and heart rate compared to their counterparts reading about neutral or unpredictable aspects of college life.
This study not only underscores the impact of enduring expectations of control but also emphasizes the situational factors that render control (or lack thereof) salient. The influence of personal mastery extends beyond the cognitive realm, permeating into motivational and physiological dimensions of self-regulation. Chronic high personal mastery aligns with greater optimism and future orientation, illustrating the profound implications of one's foundational beliefs about control on their overall well-being and self-regulatory activities.
The interconnectedness of self-efficacy, personal control, and the previously discussed self-discrepancy theory becomes apparent in the intricate dance of cognition, emotion, and behavior. Individuals with high self-efficacy may be more inclined to align with their ideal selves, fostering a promotion focus, while those with a diminished sense of personal control may lean towards a prevention focus, driven by the desire to avoid negative outcomes and meet external expectations. These interconnected threads weave a rich tapestry, depicting the multifaceted nature of self-regulation and the dynamic interplay between internal beliefs, external influences, and individual well-being.
In the continuum of self-regulation, self-efficacy and personal control emerge as pivotal anchors, shaping the choices individuals make, the goals they pursue, and the resilience they exhibit in the face of challenges. As we navigate the complexities of the human psyche, these concepts stand as guiding beacons, shedding light on the intricate mechanisms that govern our thoughts, emotions, and actions in the pursuit of a harmonious and fulfilling life.
Within the intricate tapestry of self-regulation, the direction of attention plays a pivotal role, shaping the ebb and flow of cognitive processes. Duval and Wicklund (1972) and Silvia and Duval (2001) emphasize the profound impact of the focus of attention—whether directed inward toward the self or outward toward the environment—on the intricate dance of self-regulation.
When attention turns inward, creating a state known as self-awareness (Wicklund & Frey, 1980), individuals instinctively evaluate their behavior against established standards, sparking a continuous process of adjustment and comparison. Consider the scenario of catching a glimpse of your reflection in a store window; the immediate awareness of bad posture triggers a spontaneous correction, exemplifying the self-regulatory feedback loop. Cybernetic theory, as illustrated by Carver (1979) and expounded upon by Carver and Scheier (1998) in Figure 9, encapsulates this perpetual cycle of self-attention, comparison to standards, and subsequent adjustments until alignment with the established standard is achieved or a decision to disengage is made.
Implicit in these theories is the acknowledgment that self-focus is often experienced as aversive. The relentless comparison across various domains—intellectual performance, physical appearance, athletic prowess, and moral integrity—can become overwhelming. In response, individuals seek not only to adjust their behavior or personal qualities but also to redirect attention away from the self (Flory et al., 2000). This inclination to mitigate self-focus manifests in diverse strategies, ranging from engaging in activities that provide a mental escape to utilizing substances like alcohol or turning to the distraction of television (Moskalenko & Heine, 2003).
Connecting this concept with earlier chapters illuminates the intricate interplay between self-focus and the overarching framework of self-regulation. The self-discrepancy theory, explored in a prior chapter, posits that discrepancies between one's actual self and ideal self or ought self can elicit dejection-related emotions. When self-focus intensifies, driven by the comparison to internalized standards, the emotional implications become more pronounced. The activation of the Behavioral Activation System (BAS) and Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) also dovetails into this narrative, as self-focus influences the motivational underpinnings of approach and avoidance behaviors. Individuals with high self-efficacy and a strong sense of personal control may navigate self-focus more adeptly, steering it toward constructive goal pursuit. Conversely, those with a diminished sense of control or low self-efficacy may find self-focus to be a challenging terrain, potentially triggering aversive emotions and prompting avoidance behaviors.
Moreover, the cultural and social context, explored in previous chapters, significantly influences the experience and expression of self-focus. Cultural norms and familial influences shape the standards against which individuals evaluate themselves. For instance, in cultures emphasizing interdependence, self-focus may be intertwined with considerations of societal expectations and relational dynamics.
In navigating the labyrinth of self-regulation, understanding the nuanced dynamics of self-focus is pivotal. It is a double-edged sword that can serve as a catalyst for positive change when aligned with constructive self-awareness or lead to emotional distress when entangled with unrealistic standards. As individuals strive for a harmonious balance, recognizing the impact of self-focus on cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions provides a compass for fostering well-being and resilience in the intricate landscape of self-regulation.
Threats to Self-Regulation
Within the delicate fabric of self-regulation, certain circumstances reliably emerge as formidable challenges, capable of compromising an individual's ability to navigate the intricate dance of cognition, emotion, and behavior. One particularly impactful condition is social exclusion, a phenomenon explored in earlier chapters within the context of self-discrepancy theory and self-focus.
Social exclusion, characterized by rejection from a social group, exerts a profound influence on subsequent self-regulatory capabilities. Individuals who have experienced rejection exhibit difficulties in task performance, manifested through premature cessation of frustrating tasks, poor attention, and diminished self-control (Baumeister, DeWall, Ciarocco, & Twenge, 2005). The aftermath of social exclusion triggers a defensive state marked by lethargy, distorted time perception, and a proclivity to avoid meaningful thoughts, emotions, and self-awareness (Twenge, Catanese, & Baumeister, 2003). This defensive stance echoes the aversive nature of self-focus discussed in earlier chapters, illustrating the interconnectedness of these concepts in shaping the landscape of self-regulation.
Moreover, social exclusion extends its influence beyond immediate self-regulatory challenges, delving into the realm of self-control dilemmas. Situations requiring individuals to navigate conflicting goals or endure short-term discomfort for long-term benefits present self-control dilemmas. For instance, facing an uncomfortable medical procedure for a potential serious condition necessitates navigating the tension between short-term costs and long-term benefits. Individuals deploy self-control efforts, employing strategies such as distraction or emphasizing long-term gains to align their actions with overarching goals (Trope & Fishbach, 2000). The emotional aspect of self-regulation emerges in these dilemmas, with hedonic emotions aligning with short-term perspectives, and self-conscious emotions supporting a long-term outlook, potentially aiding in resolving self-control conflicts (Giner-Sorolla, 2001).
Neurological perspectives provide further insights into threats to self-regulation. Patients with orbitofrontal lesions, explored in earlier chapters on self-focus, display regulatory deficits in self-control. Inappropriate self-conscious emotions such as embarrassment or guilt undermine behavioral self-regulation in these individuals (Beer, Heerey, Keltner, Scabini, & Knight, 2003). This suggests that self-regulation hinges on a delicate interplay between rational responses and self-conscious emotional responses, further emphasizing the multi-faceted nature of this process.
Another threat to self-regulation emerges in the form of cognitive load, particularly in the context of multitasking. When individuals find themselves juggling multiple tasks, activities requiring active self-regulation become impaired, while more automatic self-regulation remains relatively untouched. Depletion of self-regulatory resources has a cascading effect, impairing complex thinking but leaving simpler tasks unaffected (Inzlicht, Berkman, & Elkins-Brown, 2016). The exertion of self-regulation not only temporarily alters motivation and attention but also undermines subsequent self-control efforts (Inzlicht & Schmeichel, 2012).
In synthesizing these insights, we see the intricate interplay between social dynamics, emotional responses, and cognitive resources as they converge in shaping the challenges individuals face in maintaining self-regulation. The threats to self-regulation, whether stemming from social exclusion, self-control dilemmas, or cognitive load, underscore the need for a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted nature of self-regulation. Recognizing these challenges is the first step toward fostering resilience and adaptive strategies in the face of the ever-evolving landscape of self-regulatory demands.
Neural Bases of Self-Regulation
Delving into the intricate neural landscape of self-regulation unveils a dual-processing distinction that echoes the themes explored in earlier chapters. Building upon the foundation laid in discussions of social cognition, self-focus, and threats to self-regulation, the neural underpinnings of self-regulation are illuminated by distinct brain regions engaged in deliberate and automatic processes (Banfield, Wyland, Macrae, Münte, & Heatherton, 2004).
At the forefront of conscious self-regulation stands the prefrontal cortex (PFC), orchestrating higher-order executive control over lower-order processes responsible for planning and enactment. The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), a focal point within the PFC, emerges as a linchpin in this cognitive symphony. Its involvement in planning, processing novel information, decision-making, and language functioning positions it as a pivotal player in the deliberate self-regulatory endeavors of individuals (Banfield et al., 2004). The dlPFC is not merely a spectator; it actively engages in behavioral self-regulation by selecting and initiating actions (Spence & Frith, 1999). Damage to the dlPFC is associated with apathy, diminished attention, compromised planning, judgment, and insight, underscoring its role in executive functioning (Dimitrov et al., 1999).
Venturing deeper into the prefrontal cortex, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) emerges as a nexus connecting with limbic structures involved in emotional processing. This region plays a pivotal role in controlling behavior, emotional output, and interpersonal interactions (Dolan, 1999). Within the vmPFC lies the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), a crucial player in emotional processing, reward, inhibition, decision-making, self-awareness, and strategic regulation (Banfield et al., 2004). Damage to the OFC precipitates striking behavior changes and a disregard for future consequences, highlighting its role in shaping long-term behavioral patterns (Bechara et al., 1994). Moreover, the OFC is integral to the adjustment of behavior to align with societal and moral norms, accentuating its significance in the intricate tapestry of social cognition (Goldberg, 2001).
The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) emerges as a dynamic collaborator with the PFC, contributing to the monitoring and guidance of behavior. Operating on both cognitive and affective-evaluative processing fronts, the ACC proves critical in translating intention into action (Banfield et al., 2004). It navigates the processing of conflicting information and acts as a neural switch, triggering the transition from automatic to controlled processing (Botvinick et al., 2004). In the context of self-schematic processes discussed in earlier chapters, if an individual is self-schematic for athletics, a deviation from their usual athletic prowess activates the ACC and initiates controlled processing in the PFC. This intricate neural dance enables individuals to comprehend the implications for the self and regulate subsequent behavior (Lieberman et al., 2002).
In weaving the neural fabric of self-regulation, these brain regions form a symphony of activity, orchestrating the intricate dance of conscious and automatic processes. The neural bases of self-regulation not only validate the dual-processing model but also provide a neuroscientific lens through which the interconnected themes of social cognition, self-focus, and threats to self-regulation can be understood. As we unravel the complexities of the human brain, we gain deeper insights into the neural orchestra that conducts the symphony of self-regulation in the intricate theater of the mind.
Embarking on the "Social Cognition" series has been a journey through the intricate landscape of human cognition within the expansive realm of experimental psychology. The series, an exemplary model in this domain, aimed to unravel the cognitive mechanisms underpinning our perceptions in social contexts, with a particular focus on self-awareness. As we traversed the chapters, we gained profound insights into the dynamics of self-concept, cultural influences, self-regulation, self-efficacy, and personal control, self-focus, and the myriad challenges threatening self-regulation. The eight articles, each a building block in this intellectual odyssey, meticulously unfolded the layers of the self, from its representation to the motivations guiding its regulation. We explored the nuances of cultural contexts, recognizing their profound impact on self-concepts and regulatory processes. The series then delved into the complex world of self-regulation, unraveling the dual nature of deliberate and automatic processes, and illuminating the intricate dance of attention between inward and outward focus. The exploration of self-regulation extended to the neural landscape, where the prefrontal cortex emerged as a key player orchestrating executive control. The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, and orbitofrontal cortex collectively painted a picture of how our brain regulates behavior, emotions, and decisions. The anterior cingulate cortex, a dynamic collaborator, bridged intention and action, navigating conflicting information and guiding the transition from automatic to controlled processing.
Our journey encountered the challenges and threats to self-regulation, from the profound impact of social exclusion to the strains imposed by cognitive load. These hurdles underscored the intricate interplay of social dynamics, emotions, and cognitive resources in shaping the self-regulatory landscape.
As we conclude this series, the synthesis of insights from diverse chapters unveils a holistic understanding of self-regulation. It is a complex symphony conducted by the brain, where conscious and automatic processes harmonize, influenced by cultural nuances, emotional responses, and cognitive intricacies. The neural bases of self-regulation not only validate our exploration but also provide a neuroscientific lens through which the interconnected themes of social cognition, self-focus, and threats to self-regulation can be comprehended. In navigating the complexities of the human psyche, this series does more than impart knowledge; it offers a compass for personal growth and resilience. Understanding the multifaceted nature of self-regulation equips individuals to navigate the intricate theater of the mind. As the curtain falls on the "Social Cognition" series, it leaves behind a trail of insights and a foundation for future explorations into the transformative potential of self-awareness and personal growth within the rich tapestry of social cognition.
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Figure 1: Illustration of the self-regulation (Freepik, 2023).
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